It is with a very heavy heart and deep regret that Ismail Ishak, a Muslim, friend, mentor, sifu, and a colleague, passed away on the 13th of Zulkaedah 1425 (25 December 2004).
This is to the guys, the boyfriends, and the husbands who have gone through the “QUESTIONING” bouts. Usually it’ll start innocently enough. And when it’s innocent that’s when you will be caught, off guard. That is how they would want it anyway.
“Where were you last night?” this is despite the understanding that you will be allowed a certain number of nights in a month that you are allowed to be with the guys. Nothing much, just a session at the local mamak joint or the sate shack or even at the bowling alley and to some who is willing to push further, the driving range.
And there you are trying to justify your outing thinking that you had it all under control.
Really? Yes! Trying hard to convince the “INTERROGATOR” of your outing with the guys. Sometimes it happens when you are out in the field, you know, your mamak joint, your local sate shack and you get “THE PHONE CALL”
Heavens!! Not now, not in front of your mates!! “ Where are you?” you could almost feel the cold chilly voice coming in through your cellular phone. And you trying hard to look ‘Cool’ in front of your mates, who by now are probably either sympathizing with you or sniggering away.
Then there is the other question, usually asked in a rather coy manner, “Do you know what day is it next week?” and don’t you answer, “ The same day as today?”
Because you know damn well, that is not the answer. You could be answering that way because you are trying hard to buy time whilst going through your mind as to what the answer maybe. The in-laws coming? Your eldest kid’s birthday? The last day for the car installment? No, those questions will not be asked in THAT tone. Usually it’ll be a reminder of sorts for your anniversary. And you go like, “yes dear, it’s our wedding anniversary?” and a wailing “Nooo…!!” greets you. Oh no…you think you got it all under control eh…”it’s the day we met for the 1st time…”
Wow, I’ve got to remember all those events in our life? I was never good at remembering, that’s the reason why I did not opt for History lessons. And having admitted my weakness for numbers, especially dates, she decided to help by getting me a wedding ring which has inscriptions of the date that we got married.
If you see a guy fidgeting with his ring it’s probably me trying to have a look at the date underneath…with a lady by the side in questioning mode…
Oh? And did you hear about the Three Rings of Marriage?
“Lord of the Ring” does not count…
1. The engagement ring
2. The wedding ring
3. The suffer-ring
A long time ago, in a place far away from home, a dog bit me. Yes, a dog. Don’t ask me what type of a dog it was, 'coz i was too busy pumping my legs on the pedals of my bicycle trying to get away from the hound which has decided that my legs is some kind of a bone.
I have to admit that I was kind of skinny then. Well I managed to out cycle the dog with a slight bite on my ankle, arrived home, cleaned the wound, the Islamic way of course.
Then my housemate remarked that I should get a tetanus/rabies jab for the dog bite before I change myself under the full moon that night.
Went to the college infirmary and got myself into the treatment room and explaining to the doctor of my condition. By then, a real matronly type nurse attended to me and I was hoping it would be the other younger and..oh never mind....
Before my mind could even dwell on that thought, the BIG IRISH MATRON asked me where would I like the jab to be, and I said on me left arm.
No, no she says, 'it's gotta be on the bum' and I was like 'eh? why the bum?' and she says 'coz it's got more meat...left cheek or right cheek?'
Remember, I was this skinny young 'un then. And as I didn't want to prolong my embarrasment and agony, emphasis on the former, I just kinda drop my pants and she just jab me on my right cheek, as that was the nearest to her, not that it mattered to her I guess. I could detect from the corner of my eye she kinda have the smug look on her.
'There, that wasn't too difficult was it?' she says.
Hari Raya for this year has come and gone, we'll be going through another round of festivities soon. Christmas coming, End of year, you get the drift.
One thing for sure, the amount of entertainment on the television during the festivities sometimes makes you spoilt for choice. If you are the type that looks forward for the entertainment bits that is. Me? don't really matter, family's with me, they are happy, that's more than enough for me.
Some of the things that I'll look out for will be the "mini films" that comes in between programmes. You know, those advertisements that gives you that FEEL GOOD feeling.
Those ads where you have kids meeting up with their long lost friends years later. Children who's been away and coming back for the festivities, meeting up with their parents. Neighbours doing good and all, living together happily.
Only thing is that I hope that we can get some of it in real life. On a real basis.
I mean did you say hello to your immediate neighbour recently? Have you had a chat with your friends from school recently? When was the last phone call you made to your mother or father? If you have been doing all these or some, than well and good.
The world needs more of this friendliness and i suppose the adage of smile with the world and the world will smile with you holds true everywhere.
To those people who are responsible for those mini films, I must say I really enjoyed your efforts...and here's hoping for more of them and even maybe extended versions too...that I guess could be my Raya wish for next year?